
Decarbonise Your Operation With EcoQuip Mobile Solar Equipment Solutions

Achieve Significant Cost Savings and Emission Abatement with EcoQuip Solar Light Towers

Over the last decade, Governments worldwide have implemented policies and sought global consensus to reduce fossil fuel energy use and encourage the development and implementation of zero-emission technologies.

There are few proven and demonstrated technologies available that can reliably and cost-effectively displace traditional fossil fuelled mobile equipment solutions. By partnering with EcoQuip, you will be selecting a zero-emission solution that will immediately reduce your scope 1 emission footprint and OPEX.

EcoQuip solutions, including our solar lighting, deliver a range of environmental benefits. We call it the ‘Zero suite’ which includes:

  • Zero Scope 1 emissions
  • Zero Scheduled Maintenance
  • Zero Fuel consumption
  • Zero Exhaust emissions
  • Zero Noise emissions
  • Zero Hydro-carbon spill risk
  • Zero Environmental risk

EcoQuip has completed a detailed Scope 1 emission and cost reduction analysis to highlight the potential benefits of displacing a diesel-fuelled mobile light tower fleet with an EcoQuip solar lighting solution. The analysis across several existing site operations confirmed that deploying the EcoQuip solar lighting solution to displace diesel-fuelled alternatives can deliver significant cost savings and emission abatement.

A lizard on top of rocks in the desert, illuminated by Solar Lighting Solutions.

Ready for a high performance EcoQuip ESG solution?